To be updating the blog, I'll post about things I've been doing lately.
As South America ICPC Regionals are getting closer, my studying time for this competition is raising. I'm currently putting more effort in my weak points (probability/geometry/string). I'm also a bit unquiet though the possibility that one of the strongest universities in ICPC is going to compete in our sub-regionals, nothing is confirmed, but I'm anxious, whether it proves to be true or not, I'll keep up my study basis.
As an intern for almost 2 years, where still dealing with pearl and catalyst framework along with other things (my focus is in the server side of this project) and now, with a few more modules to work with openssl to certificate authority purposes.
I' really trying to get back to my TopCoder rounds actively but I doesn't feel ready yet for a continuous DIV 1 contests run, so, I'll probably keep studying hard on DIV 1 problems for a time.
As a matter of curiosity, I've been using Manjaro Linux for about 3 months, it's my first 'rolling-release' experience and it's been pleasure. Manjaro is based in arch-linux, which obligates me to learn more about linux in it's fullness.